Friday, February 8, 2013

The Amazing Effect of Using Tools and Materials!

-->After reading Chapter 2 in a Classroom Teacher’s Guide to Struggling Writers, a light bulb went on inside my brain as I read about the different environments that promote writing!  I have always loved the creative aspect of teaching but never thought to incorporate that into the writing workshop.  This chapter discusses the benefits of providing students with a variety of writing tools and materials that they can use to express themselves.  Sticky notes, card stock, notepads, sentence strips, pieces of recycled paper, and so many more possibilities for students to use to write.  Colored pencils, sharpies, markers, blue pens, pink pens, does it really matter what your students use to write with?  Providing students with easy access to a wide variety of writing tools and materials will have so many amazing rewards.  Check out my cause and effect graphic organizer below to see just what I mean!

1 comment:

  1. Love the graphic organizer AND the ideas. The power of colored pencils and colorful paper clips is underestimated!
