Monday, February 25, 2013

The Nerdy Book Club

I just spent some time exploring the Nerdy Book Club’s Blog. I have to say that the name is what originally drew me in and I’m so glad that it did. 

So far, I am very interested in reading the book, Infinityand Me, which discusses the concept of infinity.  I read a very inspiring article about a man that created a character and an entire story to get his son to love reading.  I now know that March 6th is read a loud day, which I am very excited about.  That particular article also informed me that UNESCO estimates that one out of every five people in the world cannot read or write.  This is simply a terribly scary statistic.  Finally, I learned about some great mystery books, which just might be the genre that will inspire some of my reluctant readers! 

In a matter of maybe thirty minutes, I was exposed to ideas and suggestions, new books, inspiring stories, and scary statistics that make me very happy I get to help children learn how to read every day.  This is absolutely a blog that I will be visiting again.